When you are ready to sell a junk car that has been occupying your precious square footage for far too long, preparation is the key to earning the most cash. Not only should you remove all of your personal belongings and aftermarket automotive accessories you wish to keep, but you should also clean the car up. Aside from clearing out the trash and leafy debris, washing the outside of a junk car can help you get a better offer from junk car buying companies. But don’t waste your time, effort, or worse, hard-earned money, getting your junk car polished up at the local car wash.
Here’s a great, Eco-friendly solution instead: naturally wash your junk car using the rain! That’s right; you can give your junk car a good cleansing by simply prepping it before a big rainstorm. Continue below to learn how!

Rain is Naturally Soft
Rainwater is naturally soft, which means it is entirely free of hard minerals. Once rain hits the ground, it permeates the underlying layers of soil, clay, sand, and aggregate, collecting hard minerals along the way. Depending on the level of water hardness in your region, your hose water could have these same hard minerals. This means that washing your car with rain can actually render better results because rain does not leave behind the remnants that hard mineral ions do. Such hard minerals can cause corrosion, spotting, and discoloration on vehicle paint and tires.
Tips for Washing Your Car in the Rain
First and foremost, you will need a lot of rain in the forecast. Keep your eye out on the weather and choose a day that predicts at least a 75% chance of rain. You want enough rainfall to adequately cleanse and rinse your junk car. A 30 minute rain shower may do the trick, but a heavier, more persistent rainstorm would be better.
Once you know which day will bring on the most precipitation, you can gather your supplies. You will need a non-toxic, biodegradable car wash soap, which you can purchase online or at any department store, auto parts store, or home improvement store. You will also need something to smear the soap in with, such as a sponge, rag, or towel.
How to Get Started
Be sure your junk car is in a position that will expose it to as much rainfall as possible. If it sits below an awning or carport, you will need to move it, otherwise you cannot wash it in the rain.
Begin smothering your junk car with the biodegradable car wash solution using your sponge or rag. It’s important to use a non-toxic, biodegradable car wash solution because you don’t want the water run off to negatively affect the surrounding environment.
Once you feel confident that your junk car is generously covered in a layer of car wash soap, you are all done! Now just sit back, kick your feet up, and wait for the rain to do all the work for you!
Now that your junk car is clean and sparkly, put it to good use by selling it to a local Indy auto salvage yard for cash on the spot! Contact GC’s Junk Cars at 317-608-2188 to sell your junk car in Indianapolis, Indiana for cash on the spot! We provide free junk car removal, so we come to you!
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