A blown car engine is a real thing; it is not just something you hear about in auto shop commercials and big screen comedies. An engine can blow for a number of reasons, but ultimately, it falls back on negligence. Continue reading to learn what you need to know about a blown car engine, including what can cause it, how to prevent it, and whether or not your car can be repaired.

Causes for a Blown Engine
When an engine blows, it means that it explodes. How does this happen? Well, the number one cause for a blown car engine is overheating. An excessive amount of heat produced in a car engine can be incredible detrimental to the vehicular systems, as well as, the safety of the occupants in your car.
As for the cause of overheating, there could be many possibilities. Common reasons why engines overheat include coolant leaks, lack of coolant, lack of motor oil, and similar fluid losses or leaks. To distinguish between a blown engine and an overheating one, you can examine the color of smoke it is producing. If the smoke has a blue hue, it is likely due to the oil burning in your engine, which indicates a blown engine. If the smoke is more like steam and white in color, it is likely a less expensive repair.
But that is the real question; can a blown engine be repaired? Or is a vehicle totaled once the engine explodes?
Well, the answer all depends on the car’s current market value, and whether or not it is worth paying thousands of dollars for a new engine, plus additional fees for professional installation. You see, if your car is only worth $4,000 on the market, but it costs $5,000 to repair the blown engine, your insurance company will deem your vehicle a total loss. On the other hand, if you have a new car that is worth $20,000 give or take, and it costs a total of $6,000 to repair, your car is not totaled.
What To Do With a Totaled Car
In most cases, automotive insurance carriers do not cover blown engines because it is considered a mechanical breakdown rather than a result of a covered car accident. If a car owner blows up their motor, it is not generally covered under any type of insurance policy, including liability, collision, and comprehensive. Of course, there may be exceptions for newer model vehicles.
So what can you do with your totaled car that you will not get any insurance money for? You can scrap it for cash at a local Indianapolis junk car company. They will pay you cash on the spot for your junk car, regardless of age, make, model, or condition. Just be sure to choose a reputable and experienced company that retains state of the art scales and similar technologies to render the best offer.
Trust Our Junk Car Buyers for the Best Deals!
Call GC’s Junk Cars at 317-608-2188 to sell a junk car for cash in Indianapolis, today! We have been buying junk cars throughout the Central Indiana area for several years. You will get the best price for your car because you are selling directly to the scrap yard! There is never a middle man, which means you walk away with more cash in your pocket. We buy all types of vehicles in all types of shape, running or not, and offer free towing and pick-up.