When it comes time to sell a car, whether a brand new model or an antique automobile, your first thought might be regarding your insurance coverage. That is, if you even have any at the moment. Continue reading to learn how a junk car is deemed a total loss, and when selling one requires you to contact your insurance carrier in Indiana.
Total Loss Junk Cars
When a car is damaged, and the cost to repair the damage exceeds the vehicle’s overall value, an insurance company will consider it a totaled car, or total loss vehicle. For instance, if your car is worth $3,000 on the current market, but after your accident, the total cost of repairs is estimated to be $4,400, then the car is totaled. A car can only be deemed a total loss by the insurance company. An insurance adjuster will come out to inspect the vehicle and determine whether or not it is totaled.
You generally have two options when your car is deemed totaled by your insurance carrier. You can either file the claim to receive compensation from your insurance provider (the amount of compensation will depend on various factors, including your particular policy terms and the market value of your vehicle), or you can refuse to file it with your insurance and keep the car. If you choose to file a claim with your auto insurance carrier, they will take the vehicle, title, keys, and license plate out of your possession.
Notifying Your Insurance Company
If you plan to keep your total loss vehicle, and it is actively insured, you will need to notify your insurance company. If your junk car does not have any insurance coverage, so long as you are the lawful owner, you can sell it without notifying anyone. If the car is still registered, however, you will need to cancel the registration before selling it to a junk car buyer. If you file a claim with your insurance carrier and receive money to repair or replace your vehicle, but instead sell it, you could face legal penalties.
Where to Sell a Junk Car in Indianapolis, Indiana
Call GC’s Junk Cars at 317-608-2188 to get started on your free quote if you wish to sell a junk car in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer free towing with our in-house tow truck, so all you have to do is call and accept our offer. We will schedule a time to pick up your vehicle, and then pay you cash on the spot. Request a free estimate, today!